Press Release

Senator Smallwood-Cuevas Announces $3.85M Grant to Combat Youth Homelessness

Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (D-Los Angeles) today announced that the City of Los Angeles in her 28th District has been awarded a $3.85 million grant aimed at addressing and preventing youth homelessness. The Family Homelessness Challenge Grant, administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, is part of a statewide effort to provide housing and supportive services to vulnerable youth as they transition into adulthood.


“No young person should have to face the harsh realities of becoming homeless,” said Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. “With this grant, our city can provide critical services and vital resources that help our youth transition to more stable and brighter futures. I’m proud of this work being done in our district, and I’m committed to advocating for services that will better protect our populations who are greatest at risk.”


 Through the grant, supportive services will be provided to youth who have identified themselves as experiencing homelessness, involved in the state’s foster care or probation system, or have identified as LGBTQIA+. Services offered include housing support, wrap-around case management, financial literacy, education and employment assistance, and financial assistance.


 The Family Homelessness Challenge Grants Program provides competitive grants and technical assistance to local jurisdictions to promote rapid innovation and expand promising practices to create scalable solutions that can be shared across the state to address and ultimately end family homelessness.


Senator Lola Smallwood Cuevas represents the 28th Senate District, which includes the communities of South Los Angeles, Culver City, West Los Angeles, Century City and Downtown Los Angeles. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas spent more than two decades serving as a labor organizer, civil rights activist and community advocate before her election to the State Senate. She resides in the View Park community of South Los Angeles with her family.


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