
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter! As your Senator, it’s my pleasure to provide our constituents with updates on some of our latest happenings, legislative initiatives, and community events.

I’m pleased to extend a warm welcome to our March newsletter issue! Our monthly newsletters serve as an important link to our constituents, allowing me to share updates, legislative news and district events. 

Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter! As your State Senator, it is an honor to serve and represent our vibrant 28th District of Los Angeles.

As we embark on a new year filled with possibilities, I extend my warmest welcome in our first newsletter issue for 2024.

Just a friendly reminder to please join me at our Coffee with the Senator gathering at 10:30 am this Saturday, January 27 at the Playa Vista Library.

Please join me at our Coffee with the Senator gathering at 10:30 am on Saturday, January 27 at the Playa Vista Library.

Welcome to our December newsletter issue! With 2023 coming to a close, this issue recaps our highlights during my first year in the California State Senate.

Welcome to our November newsletter issue! I’m pleased that you’ve taken a moment to check out our latest news.